Chapter 1
Day 1
Day one is the Day for co-located events aka CloudNativeCon.
I spent most of the day attending the Platform Engineering Day - as one might have guessed it’s all about platform engineering.
Everything started with badge pickup - a very smooth experience (but that may be related to me showing up an hour or so too early).
Talk recommendations
- Beyond Platform Thinking…
- Hitchhiker’s Guide to …
- To K8S and beyond…
Subsections of Day 1
Opening Keynotes
The first “event” of the day was - as always - the opening keynote.
Today presented by Red Hat and Syntasso.
Sometimes lipstick is exactly what a pig needs
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By VMware (of all people) - kinda funny that they chose this title with the whole Broadcom fun.
The main topic of this talk is: What interface do we choose for what capability.
- Experts: Kubernetes, DB engineer
- Users: Employees that just want to do stuff
- Platform engineers: Connect Users to Services by Experts
- Create Interfaces: Connect Users to Services
- Problem: Many types of Interfaces (SaaS, GUI, CLI) with different capabilities
These are the dimensions of interface design proposed in the talk
- Autonomy: external dependency (low) <-> self-service (high)
- low: Ticket system -> But sometimes good for getting an expert
- high: Portal -> Nice, but sometimes we just need a human contact
- Contextual distance: stay in the same tool (low) <-> switch tools (high)
- low: IDE plugin -> High potential friction if stuff goes wrong/complex (context switch needed)
- high: Wiki or ticketing system
- Capability skill: anyone can do it (low) <-> Made for experts (high)
- low: transparent sidecar (e.g. vulnerability scanner)
- high: CLI
- Interface skill: anyone can do it (low) <-> needs specialized interface skills (high)
- low: Documentation in web aka wiki-style
- high: Code templates (a sample helm values.yaml or raw terraform provider)
- You can use multiple interfaces for one capability
- APIs (proverbial pig) are the most important interface b/c it can provide the baseline for all other interfaces
- The beautification (lipstick) of the API through other interfaces makes users happy
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The story of how Thoughtworks buit YY at Ritchie Bros (RB).
Presented by the implementers at Thoughtworks (TW).
- RB is a auctioneer in the field of heavy machinery
- Problem: They are old(ish) and own a bunch of other companies -> Duplicate Solutions
- Goals
- Get rid of duplicates
- Scale without the need of more personel
- Platform is a product
- Building is a exercise in software eng. not operations
- Reduce dev friction
- Platform provides selfservices
- Teams manage everything inside their namespace themselfes
- Multiple global locations that can be opted-in and -out
Principles and Solutions
Compliance at source of change
Developers own their pipelines
- Dev teams are responsible for scanning, etc
- Platform verifies thath the compliance scans have been done (through admission control)
- Examples:
- OPA + Gatekeeper for admission -> Teams use snyk for scanning and admission checks the scan results
- ira as admission hook for approval -> PO approves in Jira, admission only acceps if webhook is approved
- Implemented: S3 Operator, IAM Operator, DynamoDB Operatopr
- Reasons:
- Devs should not need access to AWS/GCP directly
- Teams have full control while not needing to submit tickets or write terraform
- Goals
- Abstract specific details away
- Make the results cloud-portable (AWS, GCP, Azure)
- Still retain developer transparency
- Example: DynamoDB Database
- User: creates dynamo CR and ServiceRole CR
- K8S: Create Pods, Secrets, Configs and Serviceaccount (related to a IAM Role)
- User: Creates S3 Bucket CR and assignes ServiceRole
- K8s: Injects secrets and configs where needed
- Tool: Honeycomb
- Metrics: OpenTelemetry
- Operator reconcile steps are exposed as traces
- Your teams are pretty autonomous -> What to do with more classic teams: Over a multi-year journey every team settles on the ownership and self-service approach
- How teams get access to stages: They just get themselves a stage namespace, attach to ingress and have fun (admission handles the rest)
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This talk was by a New York Times software developer.
No real value
- How do we build composable components
- Workflow of a new service: Create/Onboard -> Develop -> Build/Test/deploy (CI/CD) -> Run (Runtime/Cloud) -> Route (Ingress)
What do we need
- User documentation
- Adoption & Partnership
- Platform as a Product
- Customer feedback
Key Takeaways from Scaling Adobe's CI/CD Solution to Support >50K Argo CD Apps
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Part of the Multi-tenancy Con presented by Adobe
- Spin up Edge Infra globally fast
First try - Single Tenant Cluster
- Azure in Base - AWS on the edge
- Single Tenant Clusters (Simpler Governance)
- Responsibility is Shared between App and Platform (Monitoring, Ingress, etc.)
- Problem: Huge manual investment and over provisioning
- Result: Access Control to tenant Namespaces and Capacity Planning -> Pretty much a multi tenant cluster with one tenant per cluster
Second Try - Micro Clusters
Third Try - Multi-tenancy
- Use a bunch of components deployed by platform Team (Ingress, CD/CD, Monitoring, …)
- Harmonized general Runtime (cloud-agnostic): Code-named Ethos -> Over 300 Clusters
- Both shared clusters (shared by namespace) and dedicated clusters
- Cluster config is a basic JSON with name, capacity, teams
- Capacity Management gets Monitored using Prometheus
- Cluster Changes should be nondestructive -> K8S-Shredder
- Cost efficiency: Use good PDBs and liveliness/readiness Probes alongside resource requests and limits
- There is a balance between cost, customization, setup and security between single-tenant and multi-tenant
Lightning talks
The lightning talks are 10-minute talks by different CNCF projects.
Building containers at scale using buildpacks
A Project lightning talk by Heroku and the CNCF buildpacks.
How and why buildpacks?
- What: A simple way to build reproducible container images
- Why: Scale, Reuse, Rebase: Buildpacks are structured as layers
- Dependencies, app builds and the runtime are seperated -> Easy update
- How: Use the Pack CLI
pack build <image>
docker run <image>
A Platform for migration of legacy apps to cloud native platforms.
- Parts: Hub, Analysis (with language server), assessment
- Roadmap: Multi language support, GenAI, Asset Generation (e.g. Kube Deployments)
Pretty much a short introduction to Argo Project
- Project Parts: Workflows (CI), Events, CD, Rollouts
- NPS: Net Promoter Score (How likely are you to recommend this) -> Everyone loves Argo (based on their survey)
- Rollouts: Can be based with Prometheus metrics
- Components: Helm, Kustomize, Terraform, …
- Flagger Now supports gateway API, Prometheus, Datadog and more
- New Releases
A quick look at the TAG App-Delivery
- Mission: Everything related to cloud-native application delivery
- Bi-Weekly Meetings
- Subgroup: Platforms
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This talk looks at bootstrapping Platforms using KServe.
They do this in regard to AI Workflows.
- Deploy AI Workloads - Sometime consisting of different parts
- Models get stored in a model registry
- Consistent APIs throughout the platform
- Not the kube API directly b/c:
- Data scientists are a bit overpowered by the kube API
- Not only Kubernetes (also monitoring tools, feedback tools, etc.)
- Better debugging experience for specific workloads
The debugging API
- Specific API with enhanced statuses and consistent UX across Code and UI
- Example Endpoints: Pods, Deployments, InferenceServices
- Provides a status summary-> Consistent health info across all related resources
- Example: Deployments have progress/availability, Pods have phases, Containers have readiness -> What do we interpret how?
- Evaluation: Progressing, Available Count vs Readiness, Replicafailure, Pod Phase, Container Readiness
- The rules themselves may be pretty complex, but - since the user doesn’t have to check them themselves - the status is simple
Debugging Metrics
- Dashboards (Utilization, throughput, latency)
- Events
- Logs
Deployment API
- Launchpad: Just select your model and version -> The DB (dock) stores all manifests (Spaceship)
- Manifests relate to models from a model registry
- Multi-tenancy is implemented using k8s namespaces
- Kine is used to replace/extend etcd with the relational dock db -> Relation namespace<->manifests is stored here and RBAC can be used
- Launchpad: Select Namespace and check resource (fuel) availability/utilization
Cluster maintenance
- Deployments can be launched to multiple clusters (even two clusters at once) -> HA through identical clusters
- The exact same manifests get deployed to two clusters
- Cluster desired state is stored externally to enable effortless upgrades, rescale, etc
Versioning API
- Basically the dock DB
- CRDs are the representations of the inference manifests
- Rollbacks, Promotion and History is managed via the CRs
- Why not GitOps: Internal Diffs, deployment overrides, customized features
- User driven API design
- Customized tools
- Everything gets 1:1 replicated for HA
- Large onboarding guide
From Zero to Hero: Scaling Postgres in Kubernetes Using the Power of CloudNativePG
A short Talk as Part of the Data on Kubernetes day - presented by the VP of Cloud Native at EDB (one of the biggest PG contributors)
Stated target: Make the world your single point of failure
- Get rid of Vendor-Lockin using the OSS projects PG, K8S and CnPG
- PG was the DB of the year 2023 and a bunch of other times in the past
- CnPG is a Level 5 mature operator
4 Pillars
- Seamless Kube API Integration (Operator Pattern)
- Advanced observability (Prometheus Exporter, JSON logging)
- Declarative Config (Deploy, Scale, Maintain)
- Secure by default (Robust containers, mTLS, and so on)
- Basic Resource that defines name, instances, sync and storage (and other parameters that have same defaults)
- Implementation: Operator creates:
- The volumes (PG_Data, WAL (Write ahead log)
- Primary and Read-Write Service
- Replicas
- Read-Only Service (points at replicas)
- Failover:
- Failure detected
- Stop R/W Service
- Promote Replica
- Activate R/W Service
- Kill old primary and demote to replica
- Continuous Backup: Write Ahead Log Backup to object store
- Physical: Create from primary or standby to object store or kube volumes
- Recovery: Copy full backup and apply WAL until target (last transaction or specific timestamp) is reached
- Replica Cluster: Basically recreates a new cluster to a full recovery but keeps the cluster in Read-Only Replica Mode
- Planned: Backup Plugin Interface
- Just create a replica cluster via WAL-files from S3 on another kube cluster (lags 5 mins behind)
- You can also activate replication streaming
Recommended architecture
- Dev Cluster: 1 Instance without PDB and with Continuous backup
- Prod: 3 Nodes with automatic failover and continuous backups
- Symmetric: Two clusters
- Primary: 3-Node Cluster
- Secondary: WAL based 3-Node Cluster with a designated primary (to take over if primary cluster fails)
- Symmetric Streaming: Same as Secondary, but you manually enable the streaming API for live replication
- Cascading Replication: Scale Symmetric to more clusters
- Single availability zone: Well, do your best to spread to nodes and aspire to stretched Kubernetes to more AZs
- Replica Cluster (Symmetric) Switchover
- Synchronous Symmetric
- 3rd Party Plugins
- Manage DBs via the Operator
- Storage Autoscaling
Unleashing the Power of Serverless on Kubernetes with Knative, Crossplane, Dapr, KEDA, and Friends
When I say serverless I don’t mean lambda - I mean serverless
That is thousands of lines of YAML - but I don’t want to depress you
It will be eventually done
Imagine this error is not happening
Just imagine how I did this last night
- Take my source code and run it, scale it - just don’t ask me
- Use Kubernetes for platform
- Use kNative for autoscaling
- Use Kaniko/Shipwright for building
- Use Dupr for inter-service Communication
Open function
The glue between different tools to achieve serverless
- CRD that describes:
- Build this image and push it to the registry
- Use this builder to build my project
- This in my Repo
- My App listens on this port
- Annotations
- Open Questions
- Where are the serverless servers -> Cluster, dependencies, secrets
- How do I create DBs, etc.
- Resulting needs
- CLUSTERaaS (using crossplane - in this case using AWS)
- DBaaS (using crossplane - again using pg on AWS)
- APPaaS
Lessons Learned from Building a Database Operator
Another talk as part of the Data On Kubernetes Day.
Hosting Models
- Managed: Atlas
- Semi: Cloud manager
- Self-hosted: Enterprise and community operator
MongoDB on K8s
- Cluster Architecture
- Control Plane: Operator
- Data Plane: MongoDB Server + Agent (Sidecar Proxy)
- Enterprise Operator
- OpsManager CR: Deploys 3-node operator DB and OpsManager
- MongoDB CR: The MongoDB clusters (Compromised of agents)
- Advanced use case: Data Platform with MongoDB on demand
- Control Plane on one cluster (or on VMs/Bare-metal), data plane in tenant clusters
- Result: MongoDB CR can not relate to OpsManager CR directly
- Storage: Agnostic, Topology aware, configurable and resizable (can’t be done with Statefulset)
- Networking: Cluster-internal (Pod to Pod/Service), External (Split horizon over multicluster)
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- Was donated to the CNCF by Syntasso
- Constantly evolving since 1.0 in November 2023
Entire matrix is available from CNCF
- Levels (from tactical to strategic)
- Provisional
- Operational
- Scalable
- Optimizing
- Dimensions:
- Investment: How are funds/staff allocated to platform capabilities
- Adoption: How and why do users discover this platform
- Interfaces: How do users interact with and consume platform capabilities
- Operations: How are platforms and capabilities planned, prioritized, developed and maintained
- Measurement: What is the process for gathering and incorporating feedback/learning?
- Understand
- Outcomes & Practices
- Where are you at
- Limits & Opportunities
- Behaviors and outcome
- Balance People and processes
Typical Journeys
Steps of the journey
- What are your goals and limitations
- What is my current landscape
- Plan baby steps & iterate
- Bad: I want to improve my k8s platform
- Good: Scaling an enterprise COE (Center Of Excellence)
- What: Onboard 20 Teams within 20 Months and enforce 8 security regulations
- Where: We have a dedicated team of centrally funded people
- Lay the foundation: More funding for more, larger teams -> Switch from Project to platform mindset
- Do your technical Due diligence in parallel
Key Lessons
- Know what your ultimate goals and constraints are
- Know your landscape
- Plan in baby steps and iterate
- Lay the foundation for building the right thing and not just anything
- Don’t forget to do your technical dd in parallel
- Maturity model is a helpful part but not the entire plan
What Is Going on Within My Network? a Subtle Introduction to Cilium Hubble
Held by Cilium regarding eBPF and Hubble
Extend the capabilities of the kernel without requiring to change the kernel source code or load modules
- Benefits: Reduce performance overhead, gain deep visibility while being widely available
- Example Tools: Parca (Profiling), Cilium (Networking), Hubble (Observability), Tetragon (Security)
Open source Solution for network connectivity between workloads
Observability-Layer for cilium
Feature set
- CLI: TCP-Dump on steroids + API Client
- UI: Graphical dependency and connectivity map
- Prometheus + Grafana + OpenTelemetry compatible
- Metrics up to L7
Where can it be used
- Service dependency with frequency
- Kinds of HTTP calls
- Network Problems between L4 and L7 (including DNS)
- Application Monitoring through status codes and latency
- Security-Related Network Blocks
- Services accessed from outside the cluster
- Cilium Agent: Runs as the CNI for all Pods
- Server: Runs on each node and retrieves the eBPF from cilium
- Relay: Provide visibility throughout all nodes
Hubble looks pretty nice