Container Image Workflows at Scale with Buildpacks
Watch talk on YouTubeA talk by Broadcom and Bloomberg (both related to And a very full talk at that.
- CN Buildpack provides the spec for buildpacks with a couple of different implementations
- Pack CLI with builder (collection of Buildpacks - for example Paketo or Heroku)
- Output images follow OCI -> Just run them on docker/Podman/Kubernetes
- Built images are
production application images
(small attack surface, SBOM, non-root, reproducible)
- Use in CI (Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Tekton, …)
- KPack: Kubernetes operator -> Builds on new changes
Multiarch support
flowchart LR subgraph OCIImageIndex lamd(linux/amd64) larm(linux/arm64) end larm-->imageARM lamd-->imageAMD subgraph imageARM layer1.1 layer2.1 layer3.1 end subgraph imageAMD layer1.2 layer2.2 layer3.2 end
- Goal: Just a simple docker full that auto-detects the right architecture
- Needed: Pack, Lifecycle, Buildpacks, Build images, builders, registry
- Current state: There is an RFC to handle image index creation with changes to Buildpack creation
- New folder structure for binaries
- Update config files to include targets
- The user impact is minimal, because the builder abstracts everything away
- kpack is v3 compliant (party hard)
- 5 years of production
- scaling up to Tanzu/Heroku/GCP levels
- Multiarch is being worked on