Day 4
The last day with a limited sponsor expo (10:00-14:30) and a bunch of people on the move (not me)
The last day with a limited sponsor expo (10:00-14:30) and a bunch of people on the move (not me)
, jib
)A talk by Isovalent with a full room (one of the large ones).
for x=0;: x<100
)x*subprogramms = x*limit
By the nice operator framework guys at IBM and Red Hat. I’ll skip the baseline introduction of what an operator is.
Build the operator
Manage the operator -> A operator for installing operators
flowchart TD uapi(User facing api)-->|Can I find this operator|catalaogd catalogd-->|Check if all dependencies are checked|depply depply-->|Please install|kapp
flowchart LR oa(operator author)-->ba(Bundle and att to catalog) ba-->catalogd(Catalogd Handle unpackling) user-->ufa(User facing api) ufa-->|Resolve package|catalogd ufa-->|Create app on cluster|appcr(App CR / kapps)
A talk by the cert manager maintainers that also staffed the cert manager booth. Humor is present, but the main focus is still the technical integration
flowchart LR ui(UI in go)-->|Generate cert ressource|kubeapi kubeapi-->|Issue certificate|CertManager CertManager-->|Certificate|ui ui-->|print|Printer
flowchart LR ui-->|Input certificate subject details|CertManager cai(CA Issuer)-->|Source for certificate|CertManager CertManager-->|Creates|sr(Secret Ressource)
A talk by TikTok/ByteDance (duh) focussed on using central controllers instead of on the edge.
Global means non-china
recreate manager
gets triggeredflowchart TD mcm-->m1 mcm-->m2 mcm-->m3
flowchart LR secrets-->ch(go channels) ch-->|CREATE|create(Create manager + Add controller + Start manager) ch-->|UPDATE|update(Stop manager + Create manager + Add controller + Start manager) ch-->|DELETE|delete(Stop manager)
The last talk of the conference. Notes may be a bit unstructured due to tired note taker.
flowchart LR subgraph main[Main Thread/Event loop] buffer schedule retry fitler1 filter2 filter3 end in-->|pipe in data|main main-->|filter and pipe out|out
flowchart LR subgraph in reader streamner1 processor2 processor3 end in-->|pipe in data|main(Main Thread/Event loop) main-->|filter and pipe out|out
Who have I talked to today, are there any follow-ups or learnings?
They will follow up with a quick demo