Unleashing the Power of Serverless on Kubernetes with Knative, Crossplane, Dapr, KEDA, and Friends
When I say serverless I don’t mean lambda - I mean serverless That is thousands of lines of YAML - but I don’t want to depress you It will be eventually done Imagine this error is not happening Just imagine how I did this last night
- Take my source code and run it, scale it - just don’t ask me
- Use Kubernetes for platform
- Use kNative for autoscaling
- Use Kaniko/Shipwright for building
- Use Dupr for inter-service Communication
Open function
The glue between different tools to achieve serverless
- CRD that describes:
- Build this image and push it to the registry
- Use this builder to build my project
- This in my Repo
- My App listens on this port
- Annotations
- Open Questions
- Where are the serverless servers -> Cluster, dependencies, secrets
- How do I create DBs, etc.
- Resulting needs
- CLUSTERaaS (using crossplane - in this case using AWS)
- DBaaS (using crossplane - again using pg on AWS)
- APPaaS